
He is now lying in the dust, back on the carpet and his dear roommate on his top, both buried by the files and notes he packed up high on the bookshelf not long before and the pieces of broken beakers fell from the wooden desk. His medical kit is laid on the edge of the bed--the only bed in the room--though he's thoroughly sure he put it right in the center of the sheet just after he entered the room. The afternoon tea made by Mrs. Hudson spilt out of the over-knocked cups instead of flowing through his throat. It's still warm. As warm as the breath leaning against his right ear at this bloody moment.

"You alright, Watson?"

"I'm fine--as long as you can rise yourself up from me, Holmes."

A wicked twinkle flashes across the grey eyes of the most brilliant detective in the UK history. Then our poor doctor finally obtains his release with the mercy of the Queen, or, his king. John Watson stands up with a dull headache due to the tumble of a terrible shake occurred a minute before though the weight Sherlock Holmes threw over him was directly to blame for it. He stretches himself at the window with a low groan and a glance down the street beneath their apartment. Everything seems in order and ordinary. And he remembers their landlady was just out for a shopping for their supper tonight.

"So tell me what the hell you've done, Holmes--" he pauses, eyes still on the street.
"And get your damn hands out of my waist."

"Well…for the first question, simply a daily test for a new prescription of a legal blast--less smoke, less noise, and less lethality--but more like an earthquake."
"And for your second request, sadly it will be rejected."

The smile is spreading over the detective's lips while his strong arms surrounding his dearest doctor are embracing much tighter. All the struggle and curse from the doctor turns out in vain when a wet gentle kiss is pushed on his lips before he can make any rejection. His good old companion seems completely content with the result of his experiment and reaches the conclusion of success as expected.

"--For an earthquake in your heart."

<20100325/20:57> fin.

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Sherlock Holmes2009電影版衍生………………四、四次同人?[死]
靈感源自電影中原有的台詞 [猜猜看是哪幾句~笑] 一口氣寫完了人物對話最後絞盡腦汁嘔心瀝血才把場景往裏面填了進去……[完全錯誤順序] 好想搞成廣播劇就算了!![毆]
至於文法錯誤什麼的還請諸位不要客氣敬請賜教 [土下座]

Jude Law役的萬能暴躁傲嬌悍妻醫生萌爆了啦嗷嗷♥♥♥
[ BGM: Yellow/Yellow - Coldplay ]